Telecommuting Advantage Flexwork Alternative Work Schedules Telecommuting Advantage Flexwork Alternative Work Schedules
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Alternative Work Assessments

The Effective, Fast and Inexpensive Way to Assess Your Employees

Demos - Screenshots
  • The Telecommuting Advantage Group's online and interactive assessment tools were developed by Industrial Organizational Ph.D.'s and validated through years of testing.
  • The assessments can be customized for your industry, organizational culture and alternative commute program goals, maximizing the benefits of your program.
  • Your employee's assessment results can be saved, instantly recalled and analyzed based on your customized employee data and assessment design.
  • Youcan ensure that new and existing employees will provide their organization with productivity gains, employee satisfaction and other benefits of an effective alternative work program.
  • Save time and money using a professionally designed and tested method for evaluating your employees for participation in an alternative work program, including telework, compressed workweeks, mobile, virtual work or a combination of multiple types.

Certification Tools:

Certification Tools Overview:

Work Suitability Assessment | Employee Suitability Assessment
Social Needs Assessment | Remote Worksite Assessment

Customizable For Your Type of Program