The Telecommuting Advantage Group, or "TAG" as our clients call us, is passionate about bringing reduced stress to
organizations' employees and the environment while creating significant value to the organizations that we serve
through our alternative work arrangements.
Online Alternative Work Assessments Release 3.0
New in Release 3.0
- Instant recall of individual assessment responses and results
- Track assessment utilization by individual
- Custom analysis of assessment data based on employee and organizational information
TAG's interactive, online assessment tools, developed by I.O. PhD’s, allow individuals and employers to investigate each of the critical areas necessary for an employee to initiate a part or full-time telework, compressed workweek and other types of alternative work arrangements. Assessments can be customized for your organization’s business and culture. The four assessments include the investigation of:
- Job-task and collaboration needs
- Five critical employee competencies
- Task and personal based social needs
- Remote worksite suitability